Albanian Woman Wearing a Traditional Costume (Has, Albania & Kosovo)

(fotoja nga Interneti, fotografi i panjohur – burimi: faqja shqiptare Alb-spirit)

Has Region (Kosovo and Albania)

Si pasojë e v. 1913 në Konferencën e Ambasadorëve të Londrës (pas luftrave ballkanike), sot rajoni i Hasit është një zonë etno-gjeografike e ndarë përgjysmë, etno-gjeografi kompakte ama aq u bënte “londonezve”, gjysma (pjesa veri-lindore) Shqipërisë, ndërsa gjysma tjetër (pjesa jug-perëndimore) themi se i takon hartës së Serbisë (zona e Gjakovës, dhe pjesërisht zona e Prizrenit), dmth komplet gjithë Kosovën peshqesh Serbisë! Çfarë vendimi historiko-madhështor, çfarë historie e lavdishme, çfarë ndërgjegjie dhe integriteti prej politikanësh, ruaje Zot historinë e Evropës dhe lavdinë e saj : )

Imagjino, ç’ndarje e turpshme booo, merri me mend sot disa “ambasadorë” të takohen në Tiranë, ose në Beograd, ose në Prishtinë dhe ta ndajnë përgjysmë një rajon kompakt etno-gjeografik të Bavarisë, ose të Skocisë… duke u thënë “mund t’ju ndajmë ore, jemi kombe të fuqishme ne, s’keni as ku ankoheni sepse ne e “shkruajmë dhe e vulosim historinë, ne i vizatojmë të gjitha hartat”, dikur Turqia s’ia doli t’i mposhtte “aleatët ballkanikë në krye me Serbinë e Bullgarinë”, tani meqë Rusia s’po ia del ta mposhtë Ukrainën, jemi mërzitur kështu që vendosëm Bavaria Lindore (madje dhe kufijtë veriorë të Turingisë e Saksonisë) tani e tutje duhet t’i përkasin Republikës Çeke, pikë dhe vulë : )


As a consequence that occurred in 1913 at the Ambassadors Conference of London (after the Balkan wars), today the region of Has is an ethno-geographical area divided in half, a compact ethno-geographic area, but who cares said then the “Londoners”, half (the north-eastern part) should remain in Albania, while the other half (south-western part) should move inside the map of Serbia (Gjakova area, and partly Prizren area), that is, all of Kosovo as a gift to Serbia! What a historic-magnificent decision, what a glorious history, what conscience and integrity of politicians, God preserve the history of Europe and its glory : )

Imagine, what a shameful division, what a shame, imagine today some “ambassadors” meeting in Tirana, or in Belgrade, or in Pristina and dividing in half a compact ethno-geographical region of Bavaria, or of Scotland… telling them “we can divide you, don’t you see, we are powerful nations, you can complain but there’s no use, cause we “write and seal history, we draw all the maps”, Turkey once failed to defeat “Balkan allies and Serbia-Bulgaria”, now that Russia is failing to defeat Ukraine, we are bored so we decided that East Bavaria (even the northern borders of Thuringia and Saxony) henceforth shall belong to the Czech Republic, dot, full end and seal : )

(some more info – wikipedia)
In the Republic of Kosovo Hasi has an area of 371 km square and has a population of around 40,000, while in the Republic of Albania it has an area of 374 km square and a population of 21,500. In this way, Hasi has an area of 745 kilometers square and a population of 61,500.


Has is an ethnographic province with well defined boundaries, surrounded all around with lakes. Its region in the parts of Albania is based on Kukes, and through the Kosovo side, it is divided in the Municipality of Gjakova, and one part in the Municipality of Prizren. Some of the main rivers in Has are Kruma, Vlahna, Rosman, Leshnica, Vogova, Racica, Trava and Deshtica while the main lakes are Kruma, Zym, Shigjeq and Fierza.

In Albania, Has consists of the following villages:
Bardhaj (Maç), Brenogë, Cahan, Dobrunë, Domaj, Fajzë, Gajrep, Golaj, Gjinaj, Helshan, Kishaj, Kosturr, Krumë, Letaj, Liken i Kuq, Metaliaj, Mulaj, Nikoliq, Peraj, Perollaj, Pogaj, Pus i Thatë, Qarr, Tregtan, Vlahën, Vranisht, Zahrisht dhe Zgjeç and smaller hamlets of Brrut, Shalqin, Sefoll and Tobël.

In Kosovo, Has consists of the following villages:
Gorozhup, Milaj, Pllanejë, Kojushë, Mazrek, Gjonaj, Tupec, Karashëngjergj, Zym, Lukinaj, Krajk, Romajë, Dedaj, Lubizhdë e Hasit, Kabash i Hasit, Kushnin, Rogovë, Damjan, Gërçinë, Lipovec, Ujz, Fshaj, Bishtazhin, Smaq, Goden, Dol, Raçë, Moglicë, Zhub, Pjetërshan, Guskë, Vogovë, Brekoc, Zylfaj, Kushavec, Kusar, Firzë dhe Devë.


According to tax registers from 1452, the region was inhabited by an Albanian population. Ottoman records indicate that during the 16th century, the Hasi region, which was part of the Nahiya of Hasi, was inhabited almost entirely by Albanians. The anthroponomy of the region’s inhabitants were mainly Albanian.
Has full province has been divided after the Balkans War in the early twentieth century. This partition was sanctioned in the Ambassadors Conference in London in 1913. In the eastern part of Albania was set the borderline in 1913(which divided the nation in half) which is in border with the Republic of Kosovo. Hasi’s mutilation of the territory in the twentieth century created not only unprecedented isolation, but, deeper still, a spiritual division, cultural and ethnographic itself, which was experienced with no less pain. Today, the area of Hasi contains about 371 km² and has a population of about 40,000 inhabitants, is part of the Republic of Kosovo.

[ Wikipedia (more sources and references) – ]