A. I. image generators offer limitless possibilities & creative freedom

(s. guraziu – ap, j 2024)

Generating graphics with A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) is something quite cool, your challenge doesn’t always go to waste, your effort is often worth it, it’s cool though not always, I already said this. Sometimes you have to correct things “manually”, anyway, often it is, here and there even super-cool, almost “frozen” : )

For instance, it allows you to re-examine the graphic you just generated, you can generate different versions almost “on the fly”, changing something of the “general idea” or changing some small detail, for which you think it would be better perhaps a bit “different” etc. etc. That is almost exactly “the same” as with traditional tools the creative process takes place, until the artist achieves what he wanted. Truly limitless possibilities, and this limitlessness… means creative freedom.

In this example (now it means… last year, not so lang ago) I experimented with a single photo-portrait of a woman (stockphoto, as reference), by changing small details, just as professional designers do, until they are satisfied with the final version they intend to use… although I did it just for fun, as you already may guess : )