Learn Albanian (Grid Poster) – Sky Division, 2018

(…duke përdorur “gjuhën” e studiove reklamatike, sipas meje mjaft bukur e pata reklamuar mësimin e gjuhës Shqipe, reklama ishte për të huajt, kuptohet : )

If you want to know more about Albanian beauty, then the best way is to learn Albanian – Albania and Kosovo are two countries, Kosovo is “slightly” smaller, almost identical ballons filled with the same air, filled with the freshness of Albanian Alps, for example Albanians love football, Albanians too… very much, Albanians are great patriots, Albanians too, Albanians are working hard right now, they’ll smash all export records, they’re aiming to “flood” EU-markets with hight quality products, such as “Made in Albania”, “Made in Kosovo”… thus two modern countries, interconnected. So, what’s the difference?

Well, there’s no difference, that’s the point, in Albania you’ll find the most beautiful things, in Kosovo too, almost identical ballons filled with the freshness of Albanian Alps, the same hearts, love and warmth, the same letters, the same language etc. but if you want to know more about Albanian beauty, learn Albanian : )