Mirësjellje dhe “ngrohtësi” robotike!

(s. guraziu – ap, n 24)

…më habiti mirësjellja dhe “ngrohtësia” e një roboti, mbrëmë bisedova me robotin e gjigantit për muzikat, Soundcloud [ kam një free-account aty, anise askush s’e di, ka nja 3-4 muzika bërë nga unë : ) adresa është: https://soundcloud.com/ama_deus-125201470/ ] hera e parë që fare troç e rraha problemin me një robot, dhe betohem s’e prisja që do më ndihmonte aq “njerëzisht”, s’më ka rënë puna t’kem punë me robotët e mençur… njëherë i thashë “ok, thnx, qenke robot, pyetja ime s’ishte për ty, më duhej ndokush nga kolegët e tu, ndokush nga njerëzit” – pastaj u kujtova nëse pyetjen mund t’ia “percillte” ndonjë kolegut të vet – dhe po, patjetër tha, “you’re welcome”, për momentin s’është askush prezent por e krijoi një “ticket”, më pyeti për emrin, për emailin, për adresën e llogarisë në Soundcloud, dhe më siguroi se dikush nga njerëzit do më kontaktojë përmes emailit… unë ngela, betohem që s’kanë qenë “ndryshe” as bisedat me njerëzit real prapa xhamit, mua s’më kujtohet t’ketë patur ndonje mirësjellje speciale, ndonjë ngrohtësi as qasje më “njerëzore” se kaq : )

…po e ngjes bisedën komplet (roboti i Soundcloud u quajka Otto), sepse për mua pothuaj “bisedë historike”, do e ruaj tek blog-faqja, u mora vesh me Otto-robotin më mirë se ç’mund t’kem pandehur a menduar, në fakt s’e prisja asfare, s’është se kam menduar, andaj dhe si “befasi” : )

10:12 PM
Hi there! My name is Otto, I’m SoundCloud’s Support Robot
Otto says: What can I do for you today?

10:12 PM
ama_deus says: please, why our avatar images aren’t centered, I uploaded a perfect 1000×1000 px image?
also why there isn’t a transparent function, if we upload a transparent logo-graphic then why should you make the background white, or black, or something else? Thnx

10:14 PM
Otto says: Oops! I didn’t get that, can you please rephrase?

10:14 PM
ama_deus says: are you a bot? : ) if yes then my dear Soundcloud-bot, no offence but my question isn’t for you : )

10:14 PM
Otto says: Yes, I am a virtual assistant here to help with your queries. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

10:16 PM
ama_deus says: of course, thank you

10:16 PM
Otto says: You’re welcome! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

10:17 PM
ama_deus says: oh… yes, I have another question : ) please dear Otto can you forward this my question to someone of your human collleagues, perhaps the technical team would understand it best – thank you in advance
– – – question – – –
please, why our avatar images aren’t centered, I uploaded a perfect 1000×1000 px image? also why there isn’t a transparent function, if we upload a transparent logo-graphic then why should you make the background white, or black, or something else? Thnx

10:20 PM
Otto says: At this point it’s probably best you speak with a human colleague, let me create a ticket for you
I’m going to create a ticket for you now! What is your name?

10:20 PM
ama_deus says: ama_deus

10:21 PM
Otto says: When one of my human coworkers gets back to you, which email address would you like them to contact?

10:21 PM
ama_deus says: ama_deus@europe…

10:21 PM
Otto says: Thanks!
I’ll also need to have the permalink of your SoundCloud profile, can you please share it?
Here’s an example: soundcloud.com/alex

10:21 PM
ama_deus says: https://soundcloud.com/ama_deus-125201470/

10:21 PM
Otto says: Thanks ama_deus
Please describe your issue in just a few words:

10:22 PM
ama_deus says: please, why our avatar images aren’t centered, I uploaded a perfect 1000×1000 px image? also why there isn’t a transparent function, if we upload a transparent logo-graphic then why should you make the background white, or black, or something else? Thnx

10:22 PM
Otto says: Are there any other details you want to share about your issue?

10:22 PM
ama_deus says: no… for now, this was it : ) thnx Otto

10:22 PM
Otto says: I’ve now created that ticket for you. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can via your email address with a ticket number, keep an eye on your inbox!