Trump – E detyrova Evropën t’i paguajë 641 miliardë $ për NATO-n

dhe nëse e shoh se i paguajnë faturat e NATO-s, dhe nëse t’kem përshtypjen se janë duke na trajtuar si duhet neve amerikanëve atëherë absolutisht se ShBA ngelet në NATO (pasi evropianët janë jokorrektë ndaj nesh edhe në rrafshin tregtar; ata s’i duan as veturat tona, as produktet ushqimore, asgjë s’duan tonën… dhe si kulm i gjithçkaje ne duhet dhe t’i mbrojmë ushtarakisht

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pakëz e çuditshme që asnjë nga mediat shqip (me aq sa munda të shoh) s’e përmendi thelbin e intervistës së djeshme të Trump, intervistën e tij të parë për mediat, për NBC News, dhënë ekskluzivisht Znj. Kristen Welker… madje as nuk u përmend se ka patur intervistë, unë s’di se çfarë mund t’jetë më e rëndësishme se kjo për Evropën, por dhe për Ballkanin, për Kosovën etj.

por dhe, sipas Trump, edhe ndihma per Ukrainen do rishqyrtohet, sipas tij madje afro 1 milionë ushtarë të vdekur janë nga të dy palët, rusët 500.000 viktima, dhe ukrainasit 400.000, dmth shumë më shumë sesa të dy palët e pranojnë – e shkëputa pjesën rreth NATO-s dhe luftës Ukrainë – Rusi

(s. guraziu – ars poetica, d 24)

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President-elect Donald Trump sits down with Kristen Welker for an exclusive and wide-ranging interview on Meet the Press.
Dec. 8 2024

[ the part of the interview – about NATO, and the Ukraine-Russia war ]

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(Kristen Welker) – Should Ukraine prepare for less aid from the United States after you sign in to office?

(Trump) – Possibly, yeah, probably, sure.

(Kristen Welker) – You’ve said that you can end the war in 24 hours.

(Trump) – We’re in for 350 billion $ and Europe in in for 100 billion $. Why isn’t Europe in for the same as us? The one thing that should happen is that Europe should come in for, they should equalize. And you know, Biden, all he had to do like I did with NATO. I said you got to pay your bills, they weren’t paying their bills, and as you know, the Secretary General said, President Trump got 600 billion $, 640 to be exact. And I used to use the 400 billion number, he corrected me. He said, no, you actually got 641 billion $ put in because I said you have to pay your bills. We were paying for NATO, and you why I got the money, because I asked for it. It wasn’t that complicated. Europe is in for a fraction, and war with Russia is more important for Europe than it is for us. It’s important for everybody, but it is more important for Europe than it is for us, you have a little thing called an ocean in between us.

(Kristen Welker) – You’ve said you can end the war in 24 hours. You’ve even said you want to try to end it before you’re sworn in. Are you actively trying to?

(Trump) – I am.

(Kristen Welker) – Have you talked to President Putin?

(Trump) – No, I have not.

(Kristen Welker) – You haven’t talekd to President Putin since you’ve been elected.

(Trump) – No I have not… you mean, well, I don’t want to say that, but I haven’t spoken to him recently.

(Kristen Welker) – So you’ve spoken to President Putin since you don’t want to say that.

(Trump) – I don’t want to say anything about that because I don’t want to do anything that could impede the negotiation. Let me tell you what I have talked about. There are people being killed in that war at levels that nobody’s ever seen before. You have to go back to the 2nd World War. And even that, if you take a loo at and you known what it is, it’s, the soldiers, largely. The cities have been emptied out and demolished. The country has been demolished. If I won that election, which, you know how I feel about it, I won’t get into it because we don’t need to start that argument. I think it’ It was really proven even more conclusively by the win that I had on this one.s an easy argument.

(Kristen Welker) – But you…

(Trump) – Well, that’s your opinion, but I disagree with it. Had I assumed kept control. Number one, Israel wouldn’t have happened. Number two, Ukraine would have never happened. It would have never happened. Ukraine, Russia. But the number of people that are being killed, soldiers, young, beautiful soldiers. Hundreds of thousands of people are being killed. And, you know, it’s very interesting. It’s level, totally level the battlefileds, totally level. You know what’s happening. The only thing that stops a bullet, you know what it is, is a body, a human body, and the people that are being killed, hundreds of thousands on both sides. Russia’s lost probably 500.000. Ukraines’s lost higher than they say, probably 400.000. You’re talking about hundreds of thousands of bodies laying all over fields. It’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen and it should have never been allowed to happen. Biden should have been able to stop it.

(Kristen Welker) – Sir, will the United States stay in NATO while you’re in office?

(Trump) – In were?

(Kristen Welker) – NATO, do you commit that the United States will remain a member of NATO while you’re in office?

(Trump) – Again, the have to pay their bills, if they pay their bills absolutely.

(Kristen Welker) – But not if they don’t pay their bills?

(Trump) – But NATO has taken advantage of us because we were got… look two things, number one, they take advantage of us on trade, meaning the European nations, ok, like terrible, they don’t take our cars, they don’t take our food product, they don’t take anything. They think… It’s a disgrace. And on top of that, we defend them. So it’s a double whammy. So let me just tell you, I was able to get hundreds of billions of dollars put into NATO just by a tough attitude. I said to the countries, I’m not going to protect you unless you pay and they started paying. And that amounted to more than 600 billion $. That’s a big thing. Otherwise they wouldn’t even be fighting. They wouldn’t have any money to fight. If they’re paying their bills and if I think they’re doing a fair, if they’re treating us fairly, the answer is absolutely, I’d stay with NATO.

(Kristen Welker) – But if not, you would consider the possibility of that.

(Trump) – Absolutely.

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