Lingua-masakrat robotike dhe “fb-arroganca”!

[ lingua-masakrat robotike dhe “fb-arroganca” ]

pothuaj gjysma e botës… në mos e gjithë bota, ndoshta do thoshin që Trump është “arrogant”, ku di… dhe mund t’jetë, ashtu pohojnë mediat e botës mirëpo s’merrem me politikat, s’jam ekspert i trumpizmit, eventualisht mund t’i dëshmoj gjërat që i di, jo ato që s’më “interesojnë” – ja psh., sipas “Ethnologue” bota i ka pothuaj 7000 gjuhë (gjithsej 6909 sosh: Azia 2322 gjuhë – Afrika 2110 gjuhë – Australia/Pacifiku 1250 gjuhë – Amerika(t) 993 gjuhë – Evropa 234 gjuhë) dhe Fb prapë pandeh se i gjithë planeti “automatikisht” duhet të lexojnë anglisht, Markut s’i pëlqen që përdoruesit ta kenë të drejtën e 1 butoni për çkyçjen e “automatizmit robotik”, pandeh se robot-përkthyesit e vet dhe “big data” kanë më shumë të drejtë, afërmendsh që “big data” janë lopët e tij, i mjelë dhe kënaqet me qumështin e me verdhushkat, mirëpo mbarë botës t’ia mohosh të drejtën duke i masakruar gjuhët e “vogla” (si shqipja e të ngjashme), duke i shfaqur “përkthimet mish-mash”, duke na i imponuar lingua-masakrat e joautorizuara robotike… ruana zot, “fb-arroganca” vërtet s’paska kufij : )
(sg – ap, mars 2020)

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Letter to Facebook, March 2020
(it’s an ordinary letter… for them, but I mean it, not kidding, enough is enough : )

Dear Facebook team, dear Mark… or Mr. Zuckerberg,

Please, you don’t NEED to translate my posts for the Public – I want my words to appear as they were posted! I chose to serve my “readers” (if there are any of them) by writing in my mother-tongue, you HAVE TO RESPECT THAT!

Your automatic translation (just the same as that of Google) is a horrible thing for “small” languages, it is maybe good for some simple, basic English “turning” into German, or French… but for complex texts in other languages your translation is a TERRIBLE translation (I doubt it can be called “translation”, maybe it could be called “googlization” but not translation)!

Please, there’s even more, I think YOU DON’T HAVE THE RIGHT to mis-translate my posts, cause by doing so you’re spreading MIS-INFORMATION, you’re turning my correct info and stories into an incorrect bunch of English words, and you’re making my mother-tongue look very UGLY by not being the “original”, you’re making it ugly… by not presenting it as it was intended!

In short, YOU DON’T HAVE THE RIGHT to automatically “deform-translate” my news, my poems, poetic writing… and so on, your machines and servers, every single cluster at the data-centres is yours… but NOT THE RIGHT to deform my posts!

Thank You!
Senad Guraziu, NL