“Jedi Terminator” (Movie Entrance), 2020

Sky Division – “Jedi Terminator” (Movie Entrance), 2020

…Hollywood-like movie entrance, the mightiest Jedi ever, may Force be with you – Directed by Lec Cimilimi – Executive Producer: Trim Picimuli, starring best actors in town etc etc : )
[ featuring “Covenant Typing Effect”, original version developed by Sky Division, 2020 – Music: Original “Terminator” score by Brad Fiedel – Footage: Chris Connor (Creatrix) ]


(I will post the video later, if I find it, it is on Facebook… right now, but I can’t download it – unbelievable but true, Facebook doesn’t allowe users to download their own videos, they allow us to upload and then when you want to download it… they manipulate the links, you never know, with some videos it happens you can download it, kinda you see the option “Download SD, or HD”, yet not always, for the same video after a few days you won’t see such links, but also generaly they give you such a poor “interface”… just a few options, just some buttons, there’s not much you can change nor do about your video, it’s all designed to be controlled by them… shame on you Facebook : ) I can’t believe it, in my entire life I’ve never seen some web page (or app) to be designed in such a way, nobody in this world has done so deliberately (nobody has build an application masterminded in such a way… purely to manipulate the world), nobody has build an app purely to exploit and manipulate their  users (otherwise how they managed to become billionaires : ) nobody has ever done what Facebook does, never – really I can’t understand the concept “facebook”, I was never able to understand it, it’s really strange but as if I always felt something “evil” is behind it, nobody intimidates users as they do, nobody “discriminates” people’s intelect as they do, they are simply control freaks – have no clue why (I “felt” so) but it’s true : )

(here the graphics, I mean… just wanted to show what I meant above : )

Perandoria dhe Meta (versi) – Meta-problemi dhe Mega-problemi